Adrian Tchaikovsky

Adrian Tchaikovsky


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Adrian Tchaikovsky is an award-winning and highly acclaimed science fiction and fantasy author with works published at home in the UK and internationally. 

Find Adrian as @Aptshadow on Bluesky and Threads 

Latest News

Warhammer News: On the Shoulders of Giants and other stories

An exciting new book is coming soon from Warhammer. 

This anthology of short stories opens with a novella-length tale by Adrian which finds Fusil-Major Rosforth consigned to an unlikely friendship after a career-ending injury. 

The hard-nosed Dawnbringer must now be carried into battle by Slobda, a vicious man-eating ogor drafted into Sigmar’s service, and their problems only mount when the Skaven spill forth into Ghyran in their millions. Rosforth and Slobda find themselves responsible for a desperate band of survivors fleeing the teeming hordes of plague-ridden ratmen, and they’ll put their partnership to the test getting everyone to safety.

On the Shoulders of Giants and Other Stories also includes other tales from the Mortal Realms penned by Noah Van Nguyen, Liane Merciel, and more.

For those new to Warhammer, this should be entirely approachable as a fantasy story, and a good introduction to the setting.

And also – because how often does an author have this opportunity – here’s a picture of some Warhammer figures representing the main characters of ‘On The Shoulders of Giants’ painted up by Adrian himself.

New Cover News: Days of Shattered Faith

The cover is out for the third Tyrant Philosophers book! Another masterpiece from Joe Wilson. 

Days of Shattered Faith can be read independently or as part of the series. Diplomacy, politics and war. 

Sometimes being a good person isn't enough, if you're working for the bad guys...

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